Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Doctors are Liers!

I have been told since week 36 that Xander could be here any day. I have been so exited getting his room ready, my room ready, giving the birds prep talks, packing and re-packing my hospital bag, cleaning my house for the 100th time. . . I can't take it anymore! Every day I think I get about a hundred calls asking if I have had him yet or if I could wait just another week or so for a more convenient time for them. (In fact my cell phone bill was an extra $150 because I went over on minutes--again I stand strong to the belief that it wasn't entirely ALL my fault!) Friday I was so close! Contractions had lasted for over 8 hours and were getting closer, I was getting more and more exited (not to mention in a ton of pain, sick, over exhausted, and mean to Mike) it's 3 am and I'm about to wake Mike up to leave for the hospital when they just stopped! After about a 1/2 hour of crying and praying for those contractions to come back again (crazy! I know!) I finally crawled back to bed. Saturday after Mike got off of work we decided to walk me into labor so we went to the Spokane "Boat Show" and walked around for about 3 hours--Mike has decided since I won’t let him have a boat without him FIRST getting me a house we would compromise and just buy a house boat (and if you bought it at the show you could get a free BBQ to go with it!) I passed on grass, which my husband must be taking for payment now a day’s--honestly I don't know what he is smoking! We then walked around the Mall for another 2-3 hours and then I was kidnapped by some friends that took me on my last "Baby-moon" to Triple Play where we played two rounds of miniature golf and laser tag (I won!), ate way too much chocolate, and drove on some of the worse snow ruts Idaho has to offer and that still didn't send me into labor! Monday the doctor stripped my membranes and again said that "usually" will do it for someone like me that is so close. As you can see it is early Wednesday morning and I'm typing this! I have learned in this last weeks that DOCTORS ARE LIERS!