Wednesday, February 20, 2008

What everyone was waiting for

We just got home from the hopsital and I figured I had better get this information up for everyone that was waiting semi-patiently for it. Xander was born on Tuesday February 19th @ 6:00 pm. He weighed in at 8 lbs 7 oz and measured 20.5 inches long. The labor was not nearly bad as it could have been. We ended up going in at 9 am and they started her on the pitosin at 10:30. At 11:30 Dr Penney broke JayLyns water and then the really good contractions started. By 12:30 JayLyn decided to have the epidural and was much happier from that point on. At around 5:35-5:40 she started pushing and then after about 20 minutes Xander was born.

Well on to the part everyone really wants, the pictures..

Momma and Xander right after birth

Mom and Dr Penney

Dad and Xander

Mom and Xander

8 Lbs and 7 oz, not to shabby

Xander looking really cute this morning with aunt Michelle

What a cute little squishy face

Growing with monkey (Day 1)

Monday, February 18, 2008

Xander is comming

Just thought that I would throw up a quick update. JayLyn went to the Dr. office today and they decided that she was fully efaced and about 5 cm dialated but because of the way her uterus is tilted that Xander is having a hard time dropping down properly. Because of this, it is stressing him slightly and so the dr. decided that tomorrow morning he is going to induce her labor and get this over with. So at 6 am tomorrow we will be heading into the hospital to have the baby!!! We are pretty pumped about and slightly freaked out, but not to bad and mostly excited. Well I am gonna go and try and get some sleep.
