We just got home from the hopsital and I figured I had better get this information up for everyone that was waiting semi-patiently for it. Xander was born on Tuesday February 19th @ 6:00 pm. He weighed in at 8 lbs 7 oz and measured 20.5 inches long. The labor was not nearly bad as it could have been. We ended up going in at 9 am and they started her on the pitosin at 10:30. At 11:30 Dr Penney broke JayLyns water and then the really good contractions started. By 12:30 JayLyn decided to have the epidural and was much happier from that point on. At around 5:35-5:40 she started pushing and then after about 20 minutes Xander was born.

Momma and Xander right after birth
Mom and Dr Penney
Dad and Xander
Mom and Xander
8 Lbs and 7 oz, not to shabby
Xander looking really cute this morning with aunt Michelle
What a cute little squishy face
Growing with monkey (Day 1)