I know alot of you are going to take one look and think. . . CHEESY!!! But this may be our only time with a belly like this and Mike had fun taking them. Here is my belly at 36 weeks. I feel huge, but it could be so much worse. Photos were doctored to spare you all from my massive stretch marks and please NO poking fun of the love handles. We did these pictures at home in what Mike liked to refer to as our little ghetto photo studio.
Xander seems to be getting more and more restless in his little home and I think some days he's trying to punch his way out. He favors my right side with his little feet right up in my ribs kicking all day long! He knows his daddy's voice and becomes very exited when he comes home from work or talks. I have had contractions every night now for the last week so we know it wont be too much longer.