Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Meeting the Family

Xander and Uncle Alan meet!
Alyssa And Xander
Shane looking really excited to hold Xander
Xander with Aunt Kim and Mike.


Anonymous said...

As always, I enjoy your updates. I can't believe how big he is getting. Xander is getting bigger too. (J/K Mike)I just want to know where you found those beutiful kids to pose with Xander. Samantha, Shane, and Alyssa Rock!!
Love ya all !

Ann Sorensen said...

Looks like he recieved alot of attention. Family has it's pros and cons!

Elise said...

How fun! It was so fun seeing you guys last month! I love the pictures on your sidebar, Xander's 3 month pic is adorable!

Ben, Deb and the P-Man said...

Xander is getting so big. He is still so cute and I love how you have the pic documented on the side. Too cute. great to see you guys while you were visiting.

rachel said...

Congrats on the baby. I didn't even know you were prego. How fun. I love that you had a boy! Congrats again.

Rachel said...

I just found your blog, and I am so glad. Steve and I often remember some of those good old days back at ISU. I remember when we lost your iguana in your apartment and it was totally freaky searching for it everywhere :) Your little Xander is so dang cute! I am sure you guys are the coolest parents ever, cause you just cant help it! good to see your little family again. we will check in now and then to see how things are going!